20.1 C
Comune di Taurianova
lunedì, Marzo 10, 2025

Yellow is a new kind of freedom

Vaccinations have finally begun

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“We all live in a yellow submarine”, The Beatles sang. 

But actually, it is not a submarine, it’s the yellow zone in Italy. Yellow zone means that we can go again in the restaurants for lunch with family and friends! We can also buy in shops and shopping centre. However, it is necessary to wear masks and to keep the social distancing, but we can go out a little bit more, and it is a very good news. 

Piazza Italia -Taurianova (RC)

And speaking of our small town, we find new cases of Covid every day, but our schools have been reopened, even if not everyone agreed: in particular, despite the government having ordered the opening, our regional president Spirlì had decided to go against this decision. Some parents promptly contacted the Regional Administrative Court to get their children back to school. 

But, at the end of the day, the schools remained open and our children and kids went back in their classroom.

Fighting the virus is not a priority for everyone: many have taken advantage from the yellow zone repopulating public places, consuming takeaway drinks with their friends and rediscovering the sociability that we have missed so much in the last year. Despite the tighter controls and the hefty fines, the population wants to get back to normal and we all hope they can return as soon as possible, in the safer way possible.

And something gives us hope that it can really happen: vaccinations have finally begun and it is hoped that within the year most of the social categories will be vaccinated in order to guarantee protection to ourselves and our loved ones.

On social media Taurianova Talk has decided to fight worries with good humour, creating the sweetest column in the world: Cicogna! We announce new births and rejoice together with new parents. Joy must be shared! 

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